Website development & publishing. Brand development, Logos design marketing and growth with investment.
For further details of our charitable partnerships and to discuss how we may help, please contact the registrar theteam@applemaxx.org

music sales
As-well as recognition on all major platforms such as Apple and spotify, and all the fancy self distribution, recieve a more personal and active approach to music sales, ideas and exposure with key insights into actual sales and streams sales from basic jingles radio and internet advertisements. to more complex problems solved with solutions.

Design strategies, design everything with Applemaxx you'll enjoy a varied a wide a-ray of opportunities to flex your artistic talent be it musically creativity or technologically, enjoy free uploads and publishing after free Monthly Membership other packages available its free so add us to your contacts list please or contact us Via theteam@applemaxx.org
Regardless of your situation we care, so for once recieve the higest consultations personal and business services with in the realms of salesforce business creation family relationships, all topics, including the music industry, T.V & film Auditions,personal development, or just need quality, honest top level loyal representation, consultation without judgement history at the highest and most personal negotiating levels, contact Applemaxx for impartial secure and sound advice. 100% success rate.