Lights camera smash them
Audio Visual Applemaxx
Basic Music Video + Stills
Applemaxx Basic Music video is far from basic, or an animated version. You get us on location, up-to 3 hours on location quantum angle filming Higest quality shots includes editing three high quality 1080p stills. free Publishing promotion and marketing for the first 3days on all media platforms. including Youtube Insta FB Tiktok Twitter. We Advise self distibution with DistroKid.com
Gold Music Video Package
Applemaxx Gold Gives you up to 4 hours of quantum angle filming, higest quality shots includes editing six high quality 1080p/4K stills, basic guidance, Travel to location avaliable for up to 3 in this package, inclusive of fillers graphics all channel art/thumbnail banners for ads. Free Publishing promotion and marketing for the first 7 days on all media platforms. including Youtube Insta FB Tiktok Twitter. we Advise self distibution with DistroKid.com
Advanced Music Video & Directorship
Applemaxx M.V.D Gives you all day shoot, Avaliable directorship and story boarding creative ideas for the video and there implementation there after, Props location finds and travel for up to 3 people also. inclusive of fillers graphics all channel art/thumbnail banners for ads. Free Publishing promotion and marketing for the first 14 days on all media platforms. including Youtube Insta FB Tiktok Twitter. we Advise self distibution with DistroKid.com
Diamond Music Video Package
Applemaxx Diamond gives an all day or night shoot, Avaliable directorship and story boarding creative ideas for the video and there implementation there after, Props location finds and travel for up to 3 people also. inclusive of fillers graphics all channel art/thumbnail banners for ads. Free Publishing promotion and marketing for the first 28 days on all media platforms. including Youtube Insta FB Tik-tok Twitter. Client advisorys major locations props such as machinery, actors and staff major label style. inclusive in this package as a 7 day marketing campaign to increase views and exposure early on. We Advise self distribution with DistroKid.com
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